Finish that thing you’ve been putting off, and have fun doing it

Every single creative person I know has something we know we want to do. In some cases, something we know we really should do - but is forever stuck on your todo list.
The reason it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t matter, you just haven’t gotten to it.
And if I’ve learned anything from Indy Hall it’s the value of being surrounded by people, for two reasons:
- the shared momentum of people getting shit done is infectious.
- when you’re stuck - for nearly any reason - you can get a few minutes of help in an instant.
So when Nicole Forrester shared an idea she had for a weekend-long event dedicated to finishing the projects that we’ve been procrastinating I was hooked.
So we’re doing it! Say “hello” to Finish Up Weekend.
The weekend of September 28-30th, we’re inviting 30 people to join in an event dedicated to setting a deadline and making sure we actually finish it. An event focused on working along side each other to finally cross that thing off our to-do lists.
The first 10 seats are already sold, so make sure you get yours before the rest are gone!
Just 5 mins of an expert’s time can save you hours of frustration and wasted energy.
In addition to a weekend of structured and focused coworking time, we’ve invited a bunch talented mentors to both inspire and support you while you work. We’ll have range of expertise in the room, including business strategy, design, development, copywriting and marketing.
So if you find yourself writing and rewriting the same sentence over and over, or are stuck with a technical bug, or anything else you’re hung up on, you can just raise your hand and help is on the way.
Our 5 minute application form is to help you to think about what you want to finish and helps us make sure our experts are prepared. Applications to join the event are open now!
The price of the ticket includes:
- two full days of high-quality coworking + our friday evening social event
- your own copy of Just F#!@ing Ship by Amy Hoy (recommended reading before the weekend)
- four inspirational, action-oriented lightning talks across two days to get you moving in the right direction
- expert mentorship and support throughout the weekend
- the feeling of marking that thing as DONE
We decided to make this a ticketed event to make sure everyone who participates is truly committed to finishing. The ticket price also allows us to pay our mentors an honorarium for sharing their time and expertise.
We’re also exploring a couple of scholarship seats to open up this event to people in specific situations…more on that soon!
With just 20 seats left, make sure you grab your spot now :) And, if you have a friend or colleague who you think would really be into this, it’s cool to share the link with them too!
Nicole and I and ALL of the mentors are super excited about this and can’t wait to see everyone in action.
If you have questions (or ideas we might be able to work into future versions), you can contact Nicole and I via