Building access + picking up mail during COVID-19

In case you missed the news, Indy Hall (like the rest of Philly) is closed through the end of the month for the safety of our team, community, and city.
Thank you so much for the positive and supportive responses over the last few days. It really means a lot. ️❤️
A few people have remarked with similar sentiments along the lines of “this isn’t so much about changing where we work, so much as trying to maintain during a crisis.” I hope you’re being kind and patient with yourself, in addition to the folks around you. And parents…I really feel for you.
Today I want to share a brief update on a couple of the top logistical questions about accessing our building and picking up mail/packages.
I need to lead with the fact that anything I share here, and that we have planned, is based on what we know right now and is subject to change….basically anytime? ????
Need to get into Indy Hall to get something you own?
First and foremost, please do not try to come into Indy Hall to work.Â
At this time we are working to minimize presence in the building as much as possible. I do not want anybody in our community to risk unnecessary exposure/transmission with anybody else who may still be in the building in spite of the government-imposed lockdown.
With that said…
If you are a keyholder, you can use your key to get in to quickly grab anything you might need at home while we’re closed.
If you are not a keyholder, we will have specific scheduled pickup times for belongings and mail 2x a week on Tuesday and Friday where either Adam or I are present for a window of time to allow people in.
You can book a time to pick up your mail here:
The slots are 15 minutes, so please try to be on time. If we run out of slots, we’ll figure things out how to add more.
All members should have received a link to reserve a pickup slot in your email today. If you did not, please let us know:
In either case please follow the cleaning and sanitization guidelines of washing your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after entering the building, and touching any door handles or shared surfaces. We will have soap and disinfectant on-site.
As soon as any of these details or expectations change, we’ll let you know ASAP.
NOTE: If you urgently need to get something from the coworking space outside of the scheduled pickup windows, please email us and we will coordinate a way for you to get in as soon as possible.
Mail Notifications and Pickup
According to our building management, mail is still being delivered to our suite and will be for the foreseeable future.
Our current plan is to use the same pickup sessions for one of our team members to go in and sort the mail every Tuesday and Friday while we are there.
We will also use our existing mail notification system to notify you when you have mail or packages that have arrived. These emails will include a photo of the mail or package so you can get an idea of what it is and how urgent it may be to pick up, along with a link to schedule a pickup time.
Please try to prioritize coming in for important mail/packages only!
So please watch your email inbox for notifications that look like this:
NOTE: If you have a very important package or delivery, and need to get into Indy Hall to pick it up outside of the scheduled pickup windows, please email us and we will coordinate a way for you to get in as soon as possible.
We’re doing our best to consider the most common and critical cases, so if there’s something we’ve overlooked or an idea for how to make this easier, PLEASE reply to this email and let us know!
That’s it for this email. Stay tuned for the next communication.