Update on IRL Coworking vs Omicron

As promised in my last update, it’s been 2 weeks since we chose to delay our official launch of in person coworking memberships.
I’m back with another update, and I think it’s a positive one.
First, though, I hope you and your loved ones have been safe these last couple of weeks. I know that a number of members and their families have been dealing with and recovering from a range of challenges from COVID exposures and symptoms to related life upsets. If that includes you, know that you’re not alone in the struggles.
The good news is that over the last few days, Philadelphia’s transmission numbers have started to show a peak. Hopefully, this is the very beginning of the sharp decline (source) that’s been seen in Omicron waves elsewhere, and the dangerous burden on our area hospitals follows this downward trend within the next 2-3 weeks.
To be clear, I’m not saying we are out of the weeds. Omicron is still present. Vulnerable people are still at risk, though vaccinations and boosters help significantly. People living with immuno concerns and parents of children who are too young to be vaccinated are still making difficult calls. Long covid concerns are real, and still largely unknown with Omicron. I’ve shared some of my thoughts on how I’m calculating risk from a leadership perspective in this Twitter thread, if you’re interested.
With all of that in mind, my hope is that over the next 7-10 days we’ll be able to begin making informed decisions about how to pick up our plans to launch coworking memberships and re-open our space in a way that is both safe and comfortable, and minimizes risk for the wider community.
In addition to official recommendations, I’m looking to related and adjacent industry examples for best practices they are applying.
Among the primary considerations, it’s very likely that we will upgrade our vaccination requirement to also include a proof of booster.
More on that and any other changes to our COVID/Safety policy soon!
Updated Timeline
I’m still not totally comfortable giving a firm start date just yet, but I am hopeful that to begin inviting people back to the space within the first two weeks of February. And if we can do it sooner safely, we will!
Once we are on track to reopen, our plan is to roll out coworking memberships in 4 phases to help us ramp up incrementally and avoid overwhelming the space, each other, and of course myself & Adam.
Each phase will probably run for ~2 weeks.
Phase 1: Open to active members who attended one or more of our free “preview days” at our new space during the end of 2021.
Phase 2: Open to all active members.
Phase 3: Open to all active + past members who wish to return.
Phase 4: Open to all members + public waiting list.
Once again, the exact timing of these phases will depend on the reality of COVID over the coming weeks and months. Thanks for understanding!
Want to reserve a membership to our new space?
Our plan is to be open at least 5 days a week, and we will offer plans that include 2 days per month, 6 days per month, & an unlimited flex option.
Since capacity is going to be limited and we want to avoid overbooking, the number of memberships at each level will be capped!
If you aren’t already a member or on our waiting list, you can add yourself here:
As soon as we are moving forward, we’ll make sure you’re among the first to get the info about the new location, how to come in for an in-person tour, membership levels, pricing, what’s included, etc.
Thanks everyone. My fingers are crossed that we’ll be back together soon, and my next update in 7-10 days is another positive one!